Bernardo da Silveira Latgé
Professional Experience
Practice focused on litigation and arbitration, as well as on consulting related to contractual matters. Has experience in complex civil, commercial and administrative litigation and pre-litigation, representing companies from various sectors, particularly in infrastructure, telecommunication, mining, retail, energy and oil and gas industries. His activities also involve representing associations and companies in collective actions, as well as supporting public service concessionaires in strategic disputes related to the performance of services. He also acts as secretary of Arbitral Tribunals in arbitrations processed before different Arbitration Chambers.
Invited professor of law in the post-graduate courses at the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), Fundação Getúlio Vargas and the Higher School of Public Law (ESAP). He is also a professor at Curso Trevo.
Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ), 2012.
Post Graduated in Civil Law, Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), 2015.
Master’s Degree in Procedural Law, Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), 2019.
Academic Production
LATGÉ, Bernardo. The usage of predictive systems in third-party funded litigation. In: BECKER, Daniel; FEIGELSON, Bruno; RODRIGUES, Marco Antonio (coords.). Litigation 4.0. Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2021.
LATGÉ, Bernardo. Comments on the enforcement of arbitral awards. In: CARNEIRO, Paulo Cezar Pinheiro; GRECO, Leonardo; DALLA, Humberto. Temas controvertidos na arbitragem à luz do Código de Processo Civil de 2015, volume II. Editora GZ, 2020.
LATGÉ, Bernardo. Suspension of proceedings under the Repetitive Demand Resolution Incident. In: Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas: panorama e perspectivas. MENDES, Aluisio Gonçalves de Castro; PORTO, José Roberto Mello. Editora JusPodivm, 2020.
LATGÉ, Bernardo. Comments on international forum-selection clause. In: ZANETI JR, Hemes; RODRIGUES, Marco Antonio (coords.). Coleção grandes temas do novo CPC – v. 13 – Cooperação Internacional. EditoraJusPodivm, 2019.
Member of Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro Chapter.
Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Comittee (CBAr).
Member of the Civil Procedure Committe of the Rio de Janeiro Bar.
English and Spanish.