Flávia Tavares Pinheiro
Professional Experience
Experienced in M&A transactions, corporate restructuring, private equity transactions, capital increase operations, amendment to by-laws and corporate housekeeping of Brazilian limited liability companies (Ltda.) and publicly held companies (S.A.), including capital market regulation in Brazil according to the rules issued by the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission (CVM). Also has experience in the drafting and negotiating of all sorts of commercial contracts, such as services agreements, rental agreements, loan/financing agreements, among others. Represents clients from different industries such as investment funds, infrastructure, oil and gas, chemical, pharmaceutics, services, among others.
Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Rio de Janeiro Federal University (UFRJ), 2009.
Post graduate course in Business Law, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC/RJ), 2013.
Member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro Chapter.